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Africa in Focus

Water insecurity is a critical development challenge in Africa with only 13 of the continent’s 54 countries found to have a ‘modest’ level of water security, according to the UN’s first-ever assessment of water security in Africa. This is compounded by climate change which is expected to reduce water availability and increase the extent of water scarcity.

Water Demand Is Exploding in Africa, Plateauing in Wealthier Nations

The most significant shift in water requirements from the present until 2050 is anticipated in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Although a majority of SSA nations presently do not face acute water scarcity, the pace of demand escalation there surpasses all other global regions. By 2050, there will be a projected surge of 163% in water demand across the continent-four times the incremental rate of Latin America, the second highest region with an estimated 43% rise in water demand. This surge in water utilization, primarily foreseen for agricultural irrigation and household water provisioning, holds the potential to drive substantial economic advancement in Africa, (as per the World Resource Institute).

Despite the huge consumer and industrial demand for water, there is a significant financing gap in Africa. The estimated water investment gap to bridge is $45-54 billion per year until 2025.[1]

To boost investment to develop water infrastructure in Africa, AWID will focus on:

Expanding infrastructure to support a sustainable water system

Promoting sustainable consumption patterns of water

Advances in technologies for water conservation and natural resources protection

Encouraging civil society and private sector participation in preserving and protecting biodiversity

Creating a viable commercial model for investment in water infrastructure and provision in Africa